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In case you don't have time to check out the pictures from the San Diego Comic Con, let me share just this one thing with you. WWF Superstar (and I use the term loosely) Virgil was on hand to sign autographs. If that isn't funny enough by itself, Virg was charging 20 dollars a pop for his John Hancock. The most ridiculous part of it all is that clearly (judging by the picture), someone is BUYING a TWENTY DOLLAR VIRGIL AUTOGRAPH!
In case some of you have forgotten (and it would be easy to do), Virgil was The Million Dollar Man's sidekick during the 80's. He had a pretty good run, flirted with a solo career, but will always be Ted Dibiase's bitch. Nice try Virg, but I won't be pulling out the wallet on that one.
In case you don't have time to check out the pictures from the San Diego Comic Con, let me share just this one thing with you. WWF Superstar (and I use the term loosely) Virgil was on hand to sign autographs. If that isn't funny enough by itself, Virg was charging 20 dollars a pop for his John Hancock. The most ridiculous part of it all is that clearly (judging by the picture), someone is BUYING a TWENTY DOLLAR VIRGIL AUTOGRAPH!
In case some of you have forgotten (and it would be easy to do), Virgil was The Million Dollar Man's sidekick during the 80's. He had a pretty good run, flirted with a solo career, but will always be Ted Dibiase's bitch. Nice try Virg, but I won't be pulling out the wallet on that one.

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