Alright people, I've had it up to here with people calling my dear friend Nathan Johnson a homo. Ok, so he likes hair care products, and ninjas... lots of big sweaty ninjas, but that doesn't make a man a homosexual! This name calling must come to an end, why, look at what I saw attached to the trunk of a car just this morning!
These ribbons are for the troops people, not for calling Nathan a Homo! It's amazing the lengths to which some people will go to call people a Homo. Ribbons on the car, that's shameful.
But just when you thought the ribbons were inexcusable, look at what some local churches have decided to preach this Sunday!
Is a man's reputation not safe in a house of God!?

But just when you thought the ribbons were inexcusable, look at what some local churches have decided to preach this Sunday!

So, I've decided to put this to rest, once and for all with the Ultimate Nathan Poll. Vote early, and vote often (actually, it's one vote per person, so make it count). We'll get to the bottom of this mess. And for God's sake leave the debate to the voting booth, hasn't Nathan suffered enough?
Voting will be enabled for one week, with the results announced on this website!
Voting will be enabled for one week, with the results announced on this website!
I beg to differ, I found the real Nathan Johnson, you have the wrong one. For live and rare footage go to...
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