Monday, August 22, 2005


After successfully toppling the dreaded Soda Popinski (thanks Wendy) I found myself at a loss. I desperately needed a new hobby, but where to turn? Thanks to the good people at Google I have found it! Ladies and Gentleman, I present the handiwork of "Google Earth!"

Google Earth is a nifty little program that can be downloaded from the Google website for the low, low price of free. This tiny download cooperates with your dsl or other broadband connection to search the planet, address by address, to find satellite photos of just about anything. For example, take a look at my old apartment on Meadowthorpe, the home of Killa, Mamma, Bobo, Libor Cabel, and so many other characters that have enriched our lives!

Pretty neat, eh? Of course, most people spend their time looking for the Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, and other boring old landmarks. I, however, prefer to look for far more relevant landmarks. For example, how about the asskickin'est apartment in all of the Racquet Club? Oh yeah, I'm talking about the 4-1-0!

It's amazing, you can just see the rock, can't you? It's as if at any moment the roof may actually catch fire, be raised off of the building, or succumb to some other type of urban slang. But, as we all know, if there's one thing that you think of when you think 4-1-0, it's most certainly urban slang... well, anything urban... except maybe Keith... he's in Nashville... but not Glastonbury... ah, hell with it.

Brace yourself, this may be the most amazing one yet! Not only can you find a house, but if you know the secret code, you can even zoom in close enough to see the OCCUPANTS! After trading a grilled cheese sandwich, an Ale-8, and a lock of Kevin Hall's hair to a nervous Injun on the first full moon of the month I was blessed with this code. With a few simple keystrokes I was able to not only find a Shoney's in Gatlinburg, but zoom all the way into a table at that Shoney's! Who did I find enjoying a the breakfast bar, why none other than Private Pyle himself, JIM NABORS!
Shazam! Shazam! Shazam!

Look at the detail in that photograph! Pretty amazing stuff, I must say. It's as if he just jumps right out of the picture! Unfortunately I couldn't get a wide enough shot to include his breakfast, but I can assure you, he was having pancakes.

So check out Google Earth today! Explore the world without leaving your home or office, spy on your friends, eat breakfast with Jim Nabors... the world is your oyster!


Blogger Wendy said...

How do you search homes? So you beat the one guy, cool.

10:04 AM  

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