As some of you may be aware, I have a new obsession in my life. What is it you ask? Well, here's a hint
I have, literally, played hours and hours of Mike Tyson's Punch Out over the last week, but I've run into a disturbing problem. I no longer possess the awesome video gaming abilities that I had when I was seven years old. As everyone else remembers, after mastering the timing and coordination the game became a snap. You could roll through the guys like a well oiled machine (that is, until you hit Super Macho Man and got the crap kicked out of you).
That's right, SODA POPINSKI! For whatever reason I can NOT seem to topple the #4 ranked contender on this damn game. It's driving me absolutely mad. I don't think it would be as big of a crisis had I not regularly made quick work of the guy back in my younger days, but now I'm stumped. I've even brought in my peers to take a shot at the guy, no luck.
Since I'm now looking at this game through the eyes of an adult, I'm able to make some observations that I clearly missed at age seven. First, it's fun to enjoy the incredible stereotyping going on in this game. The Spaniard with the rose in his mouth, the Indian Guy with the turban and tiger, the extremely weak Frenchman. However, the most exaggerated of all stereotypes has to be Soda, the drunk, nasty Commie. Being that this game did come out in 1987, Popinski clearly hails from the U.S.S.R. I'm not sure if you've brushed up on your history lately, but you may remember that we had a little feud going on with those guys.
The most amusing part is the obvious (and poor quality) censorship of Popinski. By calling him "Soda" and writing the word "soda" on the bottle that he never stops guzzling, we're to assume that he's drinking some harmless "soda" pop... and boy is that funny. Unfortunately, the good people at Nintendo forgot to change his catch phrases in between rounds.
For example:
"I can't drive, so I'm gonna walk all over you!"

"After you lose, we'll drink to your health! Ha,ha,ha!"
"I drink to prepare for a fight. Tonight I am very prepared!"
"I'm gonna make you feel punch drunk!"

Clearly, the man is a drunk Russian. And if there's one thing that the 80's, a little paranoia, and countless Arnold Schwarzenegger movies have taught me it's that Russians do nothing all day except drink and come up with evil plans to conquer the world... Soda Popinski was no exception. I'm not particularly sure why, but the 80's seemed to be the official decade of angry Russian boxers. Go figure.
Anyway, if anyone has any helpful hints on toppling the might Soda Popinski, please leave them in the comment box below. I'll give a special prize to any strategy that gets me past this guy and on to Super Macho Man wearing my ass out for days at a time. Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately, I've now hit the wall. Public Enemy #1 with a bullet is this man!

Since I'm now looking at this game through the eyes of an adult, I'm able to make some observations that I clearly missed at age seven. First, it's fun to enjoy the incredible stereotyping going on in this game. The Spaniard with the rose in his mouth, the Indian Guy with the turban and tiger, the extremely weak Frenchman. However, the most exaggerated of all stereotypes has to be Soda, the drunk, nasty Commie. Being that this game did come out in 1987, Popinski clearly hails from the U.S.S.R. I'm not sure if you've brushed up on your history lately, but you may remember that we had a little feud going on with those guys.
The most amusing part is the obvious (and poor quality) censorship of Popinski. By calling him "Soda" and writing the word "soda" on the bottle that he never stops guzzling, we're to assume that he's drinking some harmless "soda" pop... and boy is that funny. Unfortunately, the good people at Nintendo forgot to change his catch phrases in between rounds.
For example:
"I can't drive, so I'm gonna walk all over you!"

"After you lose, we'll drink to your health! Ha,ha,ha!"
"I drink to prepare for a fight. Tonight I am very prepared!"
"I'm gonna make you feel punch drunk!"

Clearly, the man is a drunk Russian. And if there's one thing that the 80's, a little paranoia, and countless Arnold Schwarzenegger movies have taught me it's that Russians do nothing all day except drink and come up with evil plans to conquer the world... Soda Popinski was no exception. I'm not particularly sure why, but the 80's seemed to be the official decade of angry Russian boxers. Go figure.
Anyway, if anyone has any helpful hints on toppling the might Soda Popinski, please leave them in the comment box below. I'll give a special prize to any strategy that gets me past this guy and on to Super Macho Man wearing my ass out for days at a time. Thanks in advance!
are you playing this on regular nintendo, 64, DS?
Try this...
Beat Soda Popinski
Anticipate when Soda is going to uppercut you. Put up your block, and he will freeze in a crouching position. Throw a body punch for a star. A Super-Uppercut used in Round 1 will send him to the canvas automatically.
Heal Between Matches
In-between fights, when Doc is talking to Little Mac to cheer him on and psyche him up for the next round, and while the opponent is talking.
Little Mac will heal a little bit extra when the next round begins. Press SELECT rapidly
This fight is ALL normals. Dodge the hook, 6 normals. Dodge the uppercut,
speed flurry. Repeat until down. Yawn. The only reason this fight's a 3
instead of a 2 is the occasional out-of-nowhere straight he'll mix in. It's a
good idea to put up a block if he goes a while without doing anything, just in
case. On the rare occasions he goes for the Drunk Jabber...he'll announce this
by shuffling his feet a lot...block the straights and counter. Thanks to the
speed flurries, it's an easy 2nd round TKO.
WOW! Thanks Wendy!
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