Minister Farrakhan is back in action!
It should come as no surprise that Minister Farrakhan would manage to find his way into the news in the past few days. But what may actually come as a surprise to many of you is that even hurricane damage is the fault of the white man. Now, I'm pretty white, I meet all of the categories for whiteness. I can't dance, I can't rap, I suck at most sports, and I spend most of my spare time actively oppressing the black man. But, I have to ask, does that really make me guilty of flooding New Orleans?
During a speech in Charlotte, NC Minister Farrakhan shared his thoughts on the flooding of the city saying, "I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25 foot deep crater under the levee breach. It may have been blown up to destroy the black part of town and keep the white part dry." I'm no Engineer, nor am I an investigative journalist, but it seems like that theory would be fairly easy to prove or disprove. Couldn't one simply go to the rich white neighborhoods in the city, look down, and if you're standing in toxic water then you have your answer.
During a speech in Charlotte, NC Minister Farrakhan shared his thoughts on the flooding of the city saying, "I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25 foot deep crater under the levee breach. It may have been blown up to destroy the black part of town and keep the white part dry." I'm no Engineer, nor am I an investigative journalist, but it seems like that theory would be fairly easy to prove or disprove. Couldn't one simply go to the rich white neighborhoods in the city, look down, and if you're standing in toxic water then you have your answer.

Granted, it is the unending goal of the white man to crush the black man at any possible opportunity. I, for one, can remember the Whitey Newsletter from last month where we were told about Karl Rove's Hurricane Machine and how we were planning to use it. However, I would assume that like myself most whiteys were surprised to see that the plan was so well executed. I'm not going to say that "The Man" didn't break the levees in an effort to save white neighborhoods, but I can at least say that it wasn't in the original plan. We must just have some really dedicated guys down there in NOLA.
In fact, as I remember the plan we were going to set up the Rove-O-Matic Hurricane Machine 3000 right off the coast, wipe out most of those nasty Democrat Voters in New Orleans (hoping to spare as few of our Red State Brothers in Mississippi as possible) and blame the whole thing on Mother Nature (that'll show the environmentalists). There was nothing in the plan about breaking the levees, that was just quick thinking.

I guess it's time to send Mr. Farrakhan back to the street corner to sell a few more beanpies. And am I the only one that wonders whether or not that bowtie spins 360 degrees when he pushes a button in his pocket? I can promise you that mine would. In fact, I'd like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for the Leadership of the Nation of Islam. I'll bring a fresh new face to the organization!
A bowtie in every drawer and a beanpie in every fridge!
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