I really love these things, so I figured I'd use another one today as it relates to... well, you'll just have to see this one to believe it.
From time to time people will criticize me for taking shots at the super-wealthy. It's no secret that my economic policy beliefs fall closer to the side of socialism than that of capitalism, something that is often considered a dirty-word in the United States. However, it's not just the money that regularly irritates me about the ruling class in society, it's the fact that concentrating that kind of power in the hands of some of these people is... well... just plain crazy.
Let's face it, every social and economic class has it's crazy people. I'm certainly not suggesting that wackos like this guy exist only in the wealthy, top-tier of society. I'm just pointing out that when people like this can literally "buy and sell your ass," we're all in trouble.
Now that I've said all of that, read this! Talk about interesting... the article is long as hell but a real page-turner. And if any of you are interested in doing a little research into the legalities of kin-folk marryin' in your own backyard, let me provide this handly little chart!

Take note of this chart, by the way. The next time you hear someone make a joke about Kentuckians (or West Virginians) marrying cousins, be sure to point out that while it isn't legal to do so in our state, it is perfectly legal in California and New York.
I guess George Michael Bluth's lobbying for the marriage laws in California have finally paid off for him and his dear cousin, Maeby Fünke. Good for them.
I think the funniest part of all of this is that North Carolina just can't seem to make up their minds. They permit first cousins, but not double cousins? I'm going to plead ignorance (going back to the first picture) and say that I'm not altogether sure what a "double cousin" actually is.
Tina? Lil' help.
Also, if you're reading this, Miss Tayla, is that why you fled NC for the warm beaches of California? Do you have cousins to marry?
I like the states that allow you to marry your first cousin under certain circumstances. I wonder what one of those circumstances could be. The only one I can think of is that you knock up your cousin and they just let you go ahead and get married. If that is the case and you really wanted to marry your cousin, then I just provided a loop hole for all those out there on that edge of marrying their true love. You can't fight true love!!! It's always the man bringing us down!! I say let them marry..as long as they keep it bannned at least in Kentucky and West Virgina so we can laugh at them.
Double cousins would be the children of two brothers who were fornicating with two sisters and produced children. Those children would be cousins through their fathers and again through their mothers. Thus, you have double-first cousins. I only know because I have a set of those in my own family. Please hold the jokes.
What gets complicated is when you have aunts and uncles marrying great aunts and uncles!
That while the same person, you get a 1st and 2nd cousin out of jus' one person. 2 for the price of one really.
Its for the more economical families, less people to visit.
if identical twin boys married identical twin girls and each couple had twins, would it be possible that they could each produce a kid that looked exactly like the others' kids? Or are identical cousins only on old TV shows?
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