If you haven't been to www.aaaronsaylor.com today, please do so, today's entry may be his masterpiece.
(Very Predictable Joke Ahead)
I've done some research on the subject, and it appears that Ronnie Milsap's #1 hit "Stranger in my House" was, in fact, penned by Mike Reid. Now, I know what you're thinking, how could he possibly have time to write the agriculture article for the Clay City Times, keep up the rat poison supply, AND write #1 hit country songs!? Well, silly, that's because the county ag agent is Mike Reed, not Mike Reid... silly. This Mike Reid is the former Cincinnati Bengal and author of such jams as "In this Life" and "Walk on Faith."
So, it makes you wonder about the lyrics. "Stranger in my house, Somebody here that I can't see." Well, being that he's Ronnie Milsap (and quite blind), wouldn't he have trouble seeing anyone, strange or familiar, in his house? In fact, let's be real here, Ronnie doesn't even know if he's in the right house. Holy shit! There's a stranger in my house... and it's Ronnie Milsap!
So after careful consideration I have to announce that Mike Reid (songwriter, not beef griller) is probably deep down a really mean guy. In fact, I hear that he actually wrote "Stranger in my House" with Ray Charles in mind. When Charles backed out he shopped it around to Stevie Wonder, then some blind guy that plays piano at the local hotel bar before finally (literally) bumping into Mr. Milsap. Shame on you, Mike Reid, SHAME!
UPDATE: Apparently Mike Reid, growing tired of his relentless assaults on the blind has now taken up a new hobby, opera. What's it about Mike, huh? Is it about some blind guy that you beat to death, or stomping on blind kittens? You sonofabitch.
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