Friday, January 13, 2006

Finally, a candidate we can get behind!

Details are sketchy, but early reports suggest that Stanton's own Robbie Wright will be running for constable in district 4. Now, Blogjammin' will be making attempts to stay clear of promoting candidates in the local elections (coughrobertkingforcountyattorneycough) and will attempt to remain a fair and impartial source of information on the upcoming elections (coughdarlenedrakeforcircuitclerkcough), (coughrhondabarnettforcountyclerkcough)... sorry, I just cant' shake this cold.

However, all of that aside Blogjammin' is willing to make it's first endorsement for the 2006 local elections... Robbie Wright for Constable!

Wright is Right in '06!


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