Let's play a new game today, children. Let's play the "Meet A Brand New Republican Jackass Senator" game!
I guess it's just entirely too easy to get wrapped up in the Mitch McConnells, Trent Lotts, and the Bill Frists of the world. They're colorful, they're always on television, and they're always entertaining us with some sort of wacky ethics scandal after another. However, lately there's been a new kid on the block (and by new, I of course mean a six-term senator from Alaska) raising hell and taking a bit of the spotlight for himself. That man... Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK).
Now, of course Senator Ted isn't new. He's been around, irritating people, for years and years. Unfortunately, until now he hasn't gained that "household name" status as a tremendous jackass... well thankfully that's all changing.
You may remember Senator Ted for his multi-million dollar "bridge to nowhere" project, in which the "Ted Stevens Bridge" would stretch from mainland Alaska to a remote island with fewer than fifty residents. The bridge still isn't finished, and up until now I considered that to be quite easily the funniest story surrounding the non-stop laugh riot that is this thousand year old codger. I repeat... until now.
Last night the Daily Show was airing a clip of the Alaska Senator throwing what can only be described as a "hissy fit" on the floor of the Senate. Why you ask? Well, he decided to attach an ANWR drilling amendment to a bill slated to provide funding for soldiers overseas. I know, you're thinking what I'm thinking... classy! When the bill was discovered for what it was, the senate quickly voted it down, sending Teddy Ruxpin into a fit.
Now, this wouldn't be "knock-me-over-the-head" funny, had it not been for Senator Stevens' wardrobe choice for the day. Apparently the Alaska Senator and Spiderman attended a benefit to eradicate Child Pornography earlier in the year, wherein Mr. Stevens donned a fetching Incredible Hulk tie.
Now, of course Senator Ted isn't new. He's been around, irritating people, for years and years. Unfortunately, until now he hasn't gained that "household name" status as a tremendous jackass... well thankfully that's all changing.
You may remember Senator Ted for his multi-million dollar "bridge to nowhere" project, in which the "Ted Stevens Bridge" would stretch from mainland Alaska to a remote island with fewer than fifty residents. The bridge still isn't finished, and up until now I considered that to be quite easily the funniest story surrounding the non-stop laugh riot that is this thousand year old codger. I repeat... until now.
Last night the Daily Show was airing a clip of the Alaska Senator throwing what can only be described as a "hissy fit" on the floor of the Senate. Why you ask? Well, he decided to attach an ANWR drilling amendment to a bill slated to provide funding for soldiers overseas. I know, you're thinking what I'm thinking... classy! When the bill was discovered for what it was, the senate quickly voted it down, sending Teddy Ruxpin into a fit.
Now, this wouldn't be "knock-me-over-the-head" funny, had it not been for Senator Stevens' wardrobe choice for the day. Apparently the Alaska Senator and Spiderman attended a benefit to eradicate Child Pornography earlier in the year, wherein Mr. Stevens donned a fetching Incredible Hulk tie.

As you can imagine, Senator Stevens was wearing that exact same tie while giving his impassioned speech to the United States Senate. Until you've heard a man say, "In all of my years in this body, this is the worst day of my life," (perhaps a bit melodramatic) and, "I'll go to your states! I'll go to all fifty states and tell them what you've done!" while his Incredible Hulk tie flaps in the breeze, well my friends, you haven't seen a real politician in action!
So a round of drinks for you, Senator Ted Stevens, and thank you for making C-Span so damned interesting.
Side note: Are all of those people that short or is the part of Spiderman being played by Kareen Abdul-Jabbar?
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