I am the world's happiest man!

As of this moment I am the proud owner of two tickets to see Oasis at the Taft Theater in Cincinnati on Saturday, March 25th! My seats are indicated on the seating chart with two red dots, the Vickie and Rachel seats are indicated with the two blue dots, the Kenny Rice seats with the two white dots. If anyone else snagged tickets to the show (David, Chad, Treebeard) let me know and I'll be happy to add additional dots.
We were on ticketmaster withing seconds of each other. I can't believe your seats are so much better than ours! I wish that I would have told you to just get 4 and then we could have all been together and in the good seats. :(
In hindsight that probably would have been a much better idea. Oh well.
But that is strange. I know I couldn't have beaten you by that much in the clicking. It let me go through at 9:59, but I can't imagine that was such a huge difference. Your seats are awesome, though. I've been in those seats, you'll be very happy.
Really? They won't look like piss ants from that distance and angle?
Nope. And the best part is you'll get to see me dance... may God have mercy on your soul for that.
Just look up and to your left and you will probably see me and Rachel dancing, too. Topless.
Woo Hoo! You two will end up scooped up onto the tour bus. Just remember, Oasis has some new guys in the lineup, carry a picture around to confirm their identities.
Roadies are tricky.
Wow, all the way to Tennessee? Didn't know that you were an Oasis fan, my oh my. I've seen them three times, each one better than the last. Hopefully This one will be even better.
I'd love to see the Ryman show, what a theater. Everything's better in the Opry.
come look at my pictures of Reilly
Kenny here, I snagged two seats row A section b1-L --I actually had 2 on row z centerfloor and a student came in to talk and my time ran out,,then I got this section but row f,,tried again and got row A--and this was around 11:30--same thing happened when I got John Prine tix for the taft last spring--came on late and then hit refresh a few times and ended up w/ better seats each time--I should have lots of room to cut a rug since there is about a 10 foot aisle from these seats to the front balcony---I may stage dive right on top of you since you are right in front of us!!!
Awesome! Should be a killer show, has anyone heard who's opening the show?
Holy crap Cory, since when do hot ass blonds post on your on your blog. guess i should come around more often
Yeah, I know! I thought that Kenny had disappeared.. haw haw haw!
I didn't even know you could get a BarbieĀ® KISS T-shirt... just kidding, Miss Tayla, wherever you are.
Yeah, he is one sexy man.
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