Today I have a few random observations. Some newsworthy, some not... but not a linear bunch either way.
Someone has been arrested in the Natalie Holloway case. As happy as I am that this poor girl may get some justice, I'd also like to join the masses in complaining that I am sick to death of the "missing white girl" of the month. I had planned on commenting on the rash of missing white people back in 2001 on the Clay City Free Press website... boy do I wish I'd done that. Right now I could be pointing out that I was leading the charge against the rampant loss of whitey, now I just get to join the party.
The version of "Devil's Right Hand" from the Brokeback Mountain soundtrack is exponentially better than the original version. How is it possible that Social Security Steve Earle can rock so much harder than Heroin Addicted Young Punk Steve Earle? I'd make one of those, "if I'm that cool when I'm fifty..." kind of comments, but let's face it, I'm not that cool now... I don't stand a chance.
Miss T (the T is for Tayla) is back in the hizzouse with a new blog entry. First of all, congratulations to her for her recognition from the SPLC, a very real group of American Heroes. Second of all, everyone really should take a minute and reflect on what these guys have done for our country. Everyone agrees that the Civil Rights Movement was a difficult period in American History, but it doesn't hurt to remind yourself of how difficult from time to time.

The United States of America is getting closer and closer to military action in Iran every day. Now, normal people would say, "how could we possibly consider that?" Those normal people would be completely justified. After all, doesn't it make sense to bring a reasonable conclusion to at least one of the wars we've started before engaging ourselves in another one? One that even Tony Blair doesn't support? Of course, we should be rioting in the streets over even the mere speculation of putting boots on the ground in Tehran, but never fear, Fox News Military Analyst Thomas McInereny says that it's a great idea!
Now, amidst the constant talk of war, we have a whisper of peace coming from Wilmington, Delaware. Remember Nick Berg? Sure you do, he was the young man beheaded in Iraq some time ago, if memory serves he was the first shocking beheading that I'd ever seen on the news. Conservative radio and television touted Berg as a hero, demanded our prayer for his parents and probably considered putting his face on the dime at one point (anything to get rid of that damn Roosevelt). Well, the very father that needed your prayers apparently heard them and is running for the House of Representatives from the great state of Delaware... on the Green Party ticket. Now, I'm confused, should we still be praying for him or are we supposed to question his patriotism now? It's so hard to keep up.
Easter has come and gone, barely surviving the radical left-wing attack on everything from bunnies to Peeps. Just in case the "War on Christmas" wasn't the most idiotic "issue" that you'd ever seen, we also had Bill O'Reilly's "War on Easter." An issue so horribly myopic that even Shephard Smith felt the need to comment. Keep watching, the best line comes at the end.
Finally, for those of you already marking your calendars for the 2008 Presidential Election, some interesting news is coming out of the red states. Apparently someone finally noticed that just because a state went for George W. Bush twice it wasn't out of play for the Democrats FOREVER. Unfortunately we no longer have just blue and red states to concern ourselves with, we now have powder blue states and pink states. I'd be outraged at the absurdity if the terms weren't being invented to illustrate weakening Republican holds on normally safe states. Although I'm sure that Kentucky is still very red, perhaps we can work together to bring about a Fuchsia Future for the Commonwealth (or, dare to dream a Promise of Periwinkle).
Someone has been arrested in the Natalie Holloway case. As happy as I am that this poor girl may get some justice, I'd also like to join the masses in complaining that I am sick to death of the "missing white girl" of the month. I had planned on commenting on the rash of missing white people back in 2001 on the Clay City Free Press website... boy do I wish I'd done that. Right now I could be pointing out that I was leading the charge against the rampant loss of whitey, now I just get to join the party.
The version of "Devil's Right Hand" from the Brokeback Mountain soundtrack is exponentially better than the original version. How is it possible that Social Security Steve Earle can rock so much harder than Heroin Addicted Young Punk Steve Earle? I'd make one of those, "if I'm that cool when I'm fifty..." kind of comments, but let's face it, I'm not that cool now... I don't stand a chance.
Miss T (the T is for Tayla) is back in the hizzouse with a new blog entry. First of all, congratulations to her for her recognition from the SPLC, a very real group of American Heroes. Second of all, everyone really should take a minute and reflect on what these guys have done for our country. Everyone agrees that the Civil Rights Movement was a difficult period in American History, but it doesn't hurt to remind yourself of how difficult from time to time.

The United States of America is getting closer and closer to military action in Iran every day. Now, normal people would say, "how could we possibly consider that?" Those normal people would be completely justified. After all, doesn't it make sense to bring a reasonable conclusion to at least one of the wars we've started before engaging ourselves in another one? One that even Tony Blair doesn't support? Of course, we should be rioting in the streets over even the mere speculation of putting boots on the ground in Tehran, but never fear, Fox News Military Analyst Thomas McInereny says that it's a great idea!
Now, amidst the constant talk of war, we have a whisper of peace coming from Wilmington, Delaware. Remember Nick Berg? Sure you do, he was the young man beheaded in Iraq some time ago, if memory serves he was the first shocking beheading that I'd ever seen on the news. Conservative radio and television touted Berg as a hero, demanded our prayer for his parents and probably considered putting his face on the dime at one point (anything to get rid of that damn Roosevelt). Well, the very father that needed your prayers apparently heard them and is running for the House of Representatives from the great state of Delaware... on the Green Party ticket. Now, I'm confused, should we still be praying for him or are we supposed to question his patriotism now? It's so hard to keep up.
Easter has come and gone, barely surviving the radical left-wing attack on everything from bunnies to Peeps. Just in case the "War on Christmas" wasn't the most idiotic "issue" that you'd ever seen, we also had Bill O'Reilly's "War on Easter." An issue so horribly myopic that even Shephard Smith felt the need to comment. Keep watching, the best line comes at the end.

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