The Dukes of Hazzard movie positively sucks.
I rated it slightly higher than Aaron (C-) due to some outstanding stunt driving and the outtakes reel. Of course, when the only positives I can find in a film are the outtakes and the stunt driving, well, that tends to say quite a bit about the film.
Oh, how I wish that I'd listened to Rep. Ben Jones (D-GA) and avoided this piece of trash. Perhaps his campaign shouldn't have been "steer clear until they clean it up" but rather "steer clear until it's watchable."
Of course, I do find it odd that Congressman Jones would be the one pushing the issue of decency in Hazzard County. I mean, after all, wasn't he (aside from Daisy) the most sexual of all the residents? I don't have to say it do I? I mean, we're all thinking it.

My main issue with the film tends to be that it went off without even a mention of some Dukes of Hazzard characters from the past. How can you make this movie in these modern, Politically Correct days without including Cleveland? The one black character in the history of Hazzard County, and Cooter's runnin' buddy in season one.
Also, as depressing as it may be, there is not one single mention of lil' cousin. If you're not familiar with lil' cousin then you're really missing out on some quality television.
But quite possibly the most shocking omission in the latest Dukes tale would have to be exclusion of two of the most storied characters in all of Hazzard County. How can you make a film, one that's such an obvious "wink, wink, nudge" look at a classic show, without mentioning two of it's most infamous characters?
Quite possibly history's finest example of "Jumping the Shark"
I rated it slightly higher than Aaron (C-) due to some outstanding stunt driving and the outtakes reel. Of course, when the only positives I can find in a film are the outtakes and the stunt driving, well, that tends to say quite a bit about the film.
Oh, how I wish that I'd listened to Rep. Ben Jones (D-GA) and avoided this piece of trash. Perhaps his campaign shouldn't have been "steer clear until they clean it up" but rather "steer clear until it's watchable."
Of course, I do find it odd that Congressman Jones would be the one pushing the issue of decency in Hazzard County. I mean, after all, wasn't he (aside from Daisy) the most sexual of all the residents? I don't have to say it do I? I mean, we're all thinking it.

My main issue with the film tends to be that it went off without even a mention of some Dukes of Hazzard characters from the past. How can you make this movie in these modern, Politically Correct days without including Cleveland? The one black character in the history of Hazzard County, and Cooter's runnin' buddy in season one.
Also, as depressing as it may be, there is not one single mention of lil' cousin. If you're not familiar with lil' cousin then you're really missing out on some quality television.
But quite possibly the most shocking omission in the latest Dukes tale would have to be exclusion of two of the most storied characters in all of Hazzard County. How can you make a film, one that's such an obvious "wink, wink, nudge" look at a classic show, without mentioning two of it's most infamous characters?

Essentially, you're dealing with a crap heap here. The Dukes of Hazzard is truly something to avoid at all costs. I can't help but feel a little hurt. I can certainly say that Aaron, Kevin and I have been talking about the Dukes of Hazzard movie for literally a decade now. I have to say that had they let us start work on it ten years ago it certainly couldn't have been any worse.
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