The President Needs to go Potty
While addressing the United Nations yesterday (see Brinton's Blog for more info on all of that), President George W. Bush was photographed passing a note to Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice.

Immediately after passing the note, Prinicipal Annan asked the President to come to the front of the class and read the note out loud to everyone. He was then required to stay after the meeting and write "I will not pass notes at the UN General Assembly" 100 times on the chalkboard.
I think what I find most disturbing about the note as a whole is the bizarre use of capitalization and punctuation. I think I may need a bathroom break is clearly a statement, so why the question mark? Is this possible is clearly a question, where's the question mark?
I think what I find most disturbing about the note as a whole is the bizarre use of capitalization and punctuation. I think I may need a bathroom break is clearly a statement, so why the question mark? Is this possible is clearly a question, where's the question mark?

Furthermore, I must ask, does the President of the United States need to ask the Secretary of State for permission to go to the bathroom? After five years on the job as President, shouldn't George know whether or not it's an acceptable moment to use the restroom? And really, folks, with all of the "Bill Clinton is whipped" comments that constantly fly around Republican circles, I don't ever recall Bubba asking Madeline Albright if he could have a potty break.
On closer inspection, yet another note was caught on camera from Bush to Dr. Rice. It's really pretty amazing stuff!

Who knew!? Apparently George has come down with a mean case of Jungle Fever... and who can blame him?
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