YARRRRR!Avast ye, mateys! Today is International Talk Like A
Pirate Day! I expect nothing but Buccaneers and whatever it is that you call Female Buccaneers out there in cyberspace! Some of you may be inclined to believe that I'm making
this up, to those of you I order ye to walk the plank!

We take this day to celebrate some famous
pirates that have brought so much meaning to our lives.
Pirates that not only improve the quality of life in America, but operate in a worldwide
pirate campaign to bring peace and harmony to the world. Screw the U.N. Delegation, if you want to unite the world, simply bring in the
See, everyone's getting in on the fun!So join me, brothers and sisters, mateys and matettes! Let us set sail on a ship known as brotherhood and rid the world of evil, for that's the code of the sea!
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