Can this man save the Democratic Party from itself in 2008?

Meet Brian Schweitzer, a plain talking, gun totin' Clinton appointee from Montana. He says what he means, wears work boots, speaks Arabic and was elected Democratic Governor of a state that John Kerry lost by 20 points.
I'm not quite ready to start putting up yard signs and buying up bumper stickers just yet, but this guy has "the real deal" written all over his face. His point is simple, that equal rights, reproductive rights, fiscal responsibility and truthfulness are liberal qualities... and those just happen to be the qualities of most of America.
Before you go writing off someone like that, remember that in 1990 most of America had never heard of a small-time governor from an little state like Arkansas... 16 years later his wife is trying to carry on his legacy.
He just looks like some ordinary wog to me.
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