Well, I made the statement earlier today that if anyone had accurately picked the 2006 Final Four I'd rename my blog in his or her honor.

Now, I have no way of knowing if the man in that picture is actually the Tim McKenna that created the soon-to-be-famous NCAA Tourney picks, but he's the only one that came up on a Google Image Search that looked like my cousin-in-law, Jack.
So here's to you Tim McKenna, and all of the Tim McKennas of the world. Because I can promise you right now that if my name was Tim McKenna... I'd be taking credit for it.
... Ladies and Gentlemen, Tim McKenna

Now, I have no way of knowing if the man in that picture is actually the Tim McKenna that created the soon-to-be-famous NCAA Tourney picks, but he's the only one that came up on a Google Image Search that looked like my cousin-in-law, Jack.
So here's to you Tim McKenna, and all of the Tim McKennas of the world. Because I can promise you right now that if my name was Tim McKenna... I'd be taking credit for it.
I'm waiting on the final cast for Blog the Movie. Kevin- Fergie pisses her pants? You asked earlier if I do that too. Well, secrets out, I have. Just yesterday. I was stading in my living room laughing because I threw a spaghetti noodle at my husband and told him it was a tape worm. The look on his face made me laugh so hard I pissed on the floor. Just a little spot though. So now I'm even more in love with Fergie!!!!
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