And now, a break from the serious world of global affairs and national politics.
I opened a myspace bulletin from San Diego's own, Ryan Tipton, today. In this bulletin I found a rather amusing image from Virgin Records, a mural depicting an unknown amount of popular bands and artist from the past few years. The different characters in the piece represent different bands (for example, you'll notice the guy smashing a pumpkin or the guns in the arrangements of roses). The goal was to find a band, post the name and then pass it on.
I decided to steal it.
So, if you click on the above link it should pop up a larger image, one that will give you more detail and allow you to scan through the fancy-shmancy art and see what you can find. I'll give you a jump start on the ones I can see:
Smashing Pumpkins
Guns N' Roses
The Eagles
The Gorillaz
The Rolling Stones
Nine Inch Nails
Black Flag
The Beach Boys
Fifty Cent
The Sex Pistols
The Pixies
Led Zepplin
The Lemonheads
Alice In Chains
Matchbox 20
The Dead Kennedys
The Postal Service
I'm sure I could come up with more if I started digging, but that would take away all the fun!
Leave comments below with what you've found and where to find it! I'll give some sort of prize to the person that finds the most... but it probably won't be a very good prize.

I decided to steal it.
So, if you click on the above link it should pop up a larger image, one that will give you more detail and allow you to scan through the fancy-shmancy art and see what you can find. I'll give you a jump start on the ones I can see:
Smashing Pumpkins
Guns N' Roses
The Eagles
The Gorillaz
The Rolling Stones
Nine Inch Nails
Black Flag
The Beach Boys
Fifty Cent
The Sex Pistols
The Pixies
Led Zepplin
The Lemonheads
Alice In Chains
Matchbox 20
The Dead Kennedys
The Postal Service
I'm sure I could come up with more if I started digging, but that would take away all the fun!
Leave comments below with what you've found and where to find it! I'll give some sort of prize to the person that finds the most... but it probably won't be a very good prize.
i was eat up in this the other day. i'll post my list later as i'm about to run out for a minute.hopefully others will too. i already told brinton, but this is only part of a bigger's cropped a bit on the sides, but the virgin website has the whole image. i'd feel really bad if we all left the pet shop boys cropped out of our lives.
david denson rogers
Here are a few that I saw:
Big Spoon
The Scissor Sisters
The Cars
The Popes
The Police
The Black Crowes
The Red Hot Chili Peppers
:) Vickie
b 52s
Just leaving a quick post on the image...
These were the first 2 that popped out at me
Matchbox 20
White Zombie
blind melon
white zombie
bee gees
white snake
green day
The dead presidents of the USA.
U2, Eminem, Phish, Blur, Talking Heads, Kiss, Cowboy Junkies, Prince, Jane's Addiction, Cypress Hill, Cornershop, The Cranberries, The Killers, Great White, Men at Work, Iron Maiden
Hare Karishnas
Plummers Beard.
Lennon's Tool.
Randy's Doghouse Nuptials.
I got a solid hour of enjoyment out of that picture. Good stuff
sarah, good call on cornershop.i'm smacking myself for that one.
i'll add to what's not yet written.
i think the people in white are the cult.the doors are behind them. there's also queen, blondie, deep purple, the people in the building are either bloc party or crowded house, the roots, dinosaur jr., yellowman, maybe the carpenters are on the roof top, the 2 u's could be U2(most likely) or the greek letter mu which would make muse,twisted sister could be those contortionists,the whole road could be pavement,the potted plant could be Bush, and others i'm sure....does anyone know who those three girls running are?
Gah... those three girls holding hands are going to drive me crazy.
This thing has taken over my life. I was flipping through records in two stores last night trying to figure out the contortionists and the yellow guy. I've never heard of Yellowman. I even went so far as to cheat and ask the clerk at Ear X-tacy...he didn't even know.
So, I'm stumped on the girl floating in the bikini, those three girls holding hands, are those roots or Vine?, where the hell is Meatloaf?...that's such an obvious one to be included.
are the three girls holding hands Three Non Blondes?
has anyone posted Led Zeppelin?
No, that would have to have been 4 non blondes.
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