Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am not surprised a left wing blog beast like yourself would be happy about the election day disaster. katrina's whore sister has hit our whole nation in the form of a giant liberal mule. i hope you are happy with the suffering this will bring. you and your baby killer friends can gloat for a year or two, but the good and noble will stay united.we will clean up the mess when you wash back to your cesspool in 2008. pagans!

- victor d.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Temporarily sane said...

Clean up the mess in 2008?! Better try cleaning up the mess we have now. The U. S. invades Iraq because of the thought they had WMD's. And Bush said there was no alternative but invasion (no diplomacy, no talking). Find out there are no WMD's. Oops. And those that once said that there were WMD's are trying to backpedal. Yet we have North Korea throwing nuclear weapons around and we know they have them. But, the only solution to that (according to Bush) is to use diplomacy. Wait a minute, invade an country without WMD's and talk to the country that has WMD's. Gotcha. As far as baby killers...good old Bush has killed plenty by invading Iraq. Yes, there are innocents that were killed, sadly to, women and children. And I am not saying it's the troops fault..not by a longshot. They are trying to survive over there. Constantly making split second decisions that literally life or death. I could probably go on but I will refrain there. Have a nice day.

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"katrina's whore sister"? oh come on, you dramatic fuck. jesus christ

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had hoped for you blog fiends to respond with a more respectful attitude. i will just excuse your tone and coarse words as what might be expected of primitive, under educated people. now, i feel compelled on the grounds of decency to reply to some concerns of your friends.they appear to have been misled by biased and unbalanced sources.this temporarily sane person seems to forget about all the lives our president has saved by eliminating murderers from texas soil. he seems to let slide the fact that our president removed an evil tyrant who has destroyed the lives of his own people for years. in jumping on the bandwagon of an "easy words and with little thinking" philosophy, his dark heart glosses over the fact that our president has saved the lives of the many many people. he is a great protector and a great liberator. if this temporarily sane person wants to figure something up, then calculate how many lives have been lost to the poison needles and to the putrid diseases of the homosexual. the people he no doubt stands to defend. use your temporary sanity to calculate all the masses and masses families torn asunder like the skirt of a cheap harlot to the vile immorality you would have eat alive our great nation. the problem is not that you cannot, it's that you will not. instead, you'll raise a lazy finger and point the blame at good people trying to help a hurting world.i believe even people like you can change.just consider this, if you will change, then there is hope for the future of america.
take responsibility, liberals, take responsibility!

- victor d.

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Victor, you really need to get back on your medications, sweetheard. (((HUGZZ)))

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That should have been "Sweetheart" Mom can spell, she just can't type! Let's both get back on our medications, okay sweetie?

9:36 PM  
Blogger Cory said...

Sweetheard could be good, though... who wouldn't want an entire herd of sweet? I hear that Marshall University is actually going to change the team mascot based solely on that comment.

We Are... TASTY!

10:50 AM  
Blogger Temporarily sane said...

Ha ha are laugh riot vic. I like how you try to single me out. Which means I hit a nerve and you know there is some truth behind what I said. And I may just hit one point there but it is a valid and crucial point. And no I am not mislead by any means. My eyes are wide open and take in information from both sides. Granted Bush has done some good. *GASP* Did he just say that? Yes I did. However, he is not this messiah that you make him out to be. You say that I am attacking good people trying to save a hurting world. Ok, I never attacked Mother Teresa, never attacked the Salvation Army, never attacked Goodwill, never attacked those that give up their time to help their fellow man. Those people are truly trying to make a difference. And I still believe that Mother Teresa's work still shines and has an influence on people even though she has passed from this world. And you call me uneducated. Well, my friend, no where did I metion anything about homosexuals in my post. Wait hang on..let me check..let me read it again. Nope, no mention of gay people. Did you even read my post? You just probably seen where I was hitting Bush about the war. So you dump in into a group of a people who have one central idea. That is as bad as looking at a Muslim and saying he is a terrorist. The muslim faith is not all terrorism. You have these extremist that give the Muslim faith a black eye. That my friend is being a racist. So, I am going to dump you into a group based on one idea as you did me. You are a racist. Doesn't make sense does it. There is a point there but you will probably miss it. I got something for you to calculate. First off, I am a Democrat. But I believe in carrying firearms. I own a couple. I don't agree with the gay lifestyle. But as long as they don't try to enforce their lifestyle on me, then I won't bother them. And here is another shocker...I VOTED FOR BUSH!! What?! What did he say? Yes, I did. I won't go into the reason for my choice. I will simply state that I looked at both sides and tried to make the best choice at the time. So, my friend, before you go judging people, you might want to do a little research. Just because I say I am a Democrat, it doesn't mean that I am exactly like John Kerry or any other Democrat. And I will leave you this thought. This is from the words of one Dwayne Johnson altered a bit to give it some flair. "If you can smelllalalalalalaow what temporarily sane is cookin'."

5:54 AM  
Blogger Brinton said...

I just want to throw my two cents in that this Victor fella is a pretty good writer. He's beginning to convince me he's serious. Of course, if he was, he'd probably have his own blog where he could belittle babykillers and buttpirates to his heart's content. Also, I think by this point he'd have definitely put the Bible on the table. Still marvelously entertaining though. Good job.

5:43 AM  
Blogger Cory said...

I agree with Brinton, I'd like to see some blogging from Victor D. Now that those nasty liberals have taken over the government (in what was no doubt a coup orchestrated by Hugo Chavez, Noam Chomsky and The Dixie Chicks) he should have more than enough fodder for rant after rant.

I'd also like to point out that it's snowing right now. That should make everyone happy, right?

7:05 AM  

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