Sure, I could go on and on about the wonders of that deep, yet gentle tremble in his voice, the stylish way in which his gold chains always managed to form a perfect v-shape around his ample chest hair or even the tremendous might of his legendary pompadour... but instead, let's get to the man himself.
To do that I decided to go with the old adage that a picture is worth 1000 words. So, allow me to present to you the top five images of Conway Twitty (that I could find on Google Image Search in about twenty minutes)..

However, it's important to remember this period in time when a man with hair as legendary as his voice made a symbolic leap from honky-tonk king to sexy grandpa. Truly, a magic moment in fashion history... except for maybe the shirt.

Of the countless reasons to love this picture, allow me to focus on just two. First, it's difficult not to notice the bold fashion statement that is his pink polyester suit. To walk out on national television in such a garment, tastefully accented with the pastel mock-turtleneck, took not only courage but the inner desire to make a statement. With this ensemble Conway is declaring his overwhelming masculinity by draping himself in soft, inviting hues of pink. I ask you, would David Allan Coe have had the courage or maxi to pull this off? Certainly not, and not only has DAC killed a man, but he allegedly has a tattoo of a spider on his penis.
Secondly, let's note that in this image we can enjoy not one, not two, but THREE Conways! Thanks to some clever art direction on the Hee Haw set we get to see the polyester troubadour from contrasting angles, giving us the full Twitty experience as he takes us on a breathy, lusty ride into the boudoir of a stranger. Conway didn't need a spider tattoo on his penis to impress your woman, just thirty minutes and a bottle of Thunderbird.
Number 3
Conway was a generous, civic minded individual. The above image illustrates that perfectly. Here we see that Mr. Twitty chose to generously sponsor (and perhaps even coach or play for) what appears to be a softball team (or some other sort of athletic organization). If you're Conway Twitty, what else could you POSSIBLY name your team other than the "Twitty Birds?"
The yellow and red is a nice touch, not to mention the high-fashion knee socks. He even chose to sit next to "Kelly" instead of the skybox that he could most certainly afford. That's Conway for you, a man of the people, sitting in the crowd and having a hot dog on a warm summer night and enjoying our national past time. It's unfortunate that the hat is obscuring his well quaffed shock of black hair, thus making it difficult to judge the age of the photo. However, upon closer inspection it seems that it's more in line with his pomp-to-perm transitional hair (see #5).
Also note that Conway's jersey number is 1. Damn right, Twit-Man, you're always number one in our hearts.
Number 2
What could possibly be more Conway Twitty than our number two photo? Here we see the ladies man at his most dapper and jaunty best. It's easy to understand the power he wielded over the opposite sex with a mere glance at this image, his insatiable love for the ladies only outdone by his formidable wardrobe.
We can tell by the above that the Mississippi Man's incomparable sexual prowess had the power to leave mountains of quivering female bodies in his wake. Almost a sexual atomic bomb, one push of the big red button (on his sharply snug vest) could not only send an orgasmic shockwave through a room, it could leave the area uninhabitable for generations to come.
Number 1
Could there be any doubt that this particular image would rank at the top of our countdown?
Here we're given another rare glimpse, this time into the more playful side of Conway. He's older now, chronicled by his ever-growing yet perfectly groomed perm. With this picture Mr. Twitty is telling us, "I may be in my golden years, but I can still put on a pair of obscenely short shorts and a Lacoste shirt and get down with the best of 'em." I can just see Conway on the tennis courts right now, lobbing balls over the net, scoring with every backhand, and of course winning every game "40-Love."
As you go through your day, be reminded of the journey that took a young dreamer from Friars Branch, Mississippi to this very blog entry more than thirteen years after he was taken from us. Go home tonight and put on your tight-fittin' jeans, hit the bars with too much love in your Mississippi heart and give a lady a rose. Don't just do it for yourself, do it for Conway.
Welcome back.
This blog reminds me of a joke:
There was this Southern Baptist minister who looked just like Conway Twitty. Whenever he would go out, total strangers would stop him on the street and comment on his likeness to Conway.
At first, the minister was amused by the connection, but before long, he grew tired of the mistaken identity.
One day, he was out knocking on doors, inviting people to the church's upcoming revival. At the first house, a 50-year-old man answered the door.
"Hey, man, you look just like Conway Twitty," the man said.
"Well, now, that's nice and all, but I'm really hear to tell you about the Lord," the minister replied.
At the next house, a 68-year-old woman answered, and the two went through the same thing as she commented on his Twittyness.
This went on for 4-5 more houses, and the minister grew increasingly tired of the patter, causing him to decided to make just one more visit.
He approached the home and knocked on the door.
"Just a minute," a voice on the other side said.
He stood there, listening to someone shuffling around on the other side before soft footsteps approached the door.
The door swung open and there stood a gorgeous 25-year-old woman, fresh out of the shower, holding up her towel.
She looked at the minister and couldn't contain her enthusiasm. She screamed and held her hands out wide, causing her towel to fall to the ground.
"Conway Twitty!" she yelled.
"Hello, Darlin'."
Not to break you heart, but I have heard reports that it is in fact a wig.
and yes my "r" key is somewhat fucked up....not my typing or reviewing skills
i am thankful for a few things. i am thankful that you started writing about positive things for a change. i do not know too much about conway twitty, but he seems very decent. next, i am grateful that your temporarily sane reader has made some appears he maintains that the patterns in his writing do not indicate any homosexual relevance.this is good news.the pattern is broken. his final comment on your november 20, 2006 blog is stunning. his heretical rants have come to a close.if only more liberals would follow his lead.i am grateful that temporarily sane has conceded the absolute poor case he has made in defending homosexuals, racists, and other causes near and dear to the hearts of liberals everywhere.i can respect his noble spirit.he is an example of what change can occur if a man is simply willing to humble himself and choose a better life. the cold shackles of a bitter life are now behind him.a bright future shining with the hope of 1000 fiery stars lights his path. if there were more like you, the immoral of this country would give up suckling the foul milk of harlotry and drink the wholesomeness of decent and noble pursuits. glad to have you on board, we can get on with the bigger picture.and we can always be grateful for that.
- victor d.
First, please forgive me for my sluggishness to reply. It was Thanksgiving and I was spending time with my family and my girlfriend. So, which means most of my time over the break was taken up. So, let's get on with the comment. Thanks Victor for that wonderful, heartfelt welcome. This is so great! Now, those two statements are examples of sarcasm. You do know what sarcasm is don't you Victor? Oh yeah, stupid question, you don't. Because if you did then your reply to my posts would make more sense. Sarcasm is where you say something and actually mean the very opposite. In other words Victor, I did not concede. If you actually read the post, you would know that I was using this sarcasm. So, my rantings are hertical. are you some high and mighty being? Some perfect angel that has been sent from God to show the flaws of us mere mortals? Ha, don't think so. You need to come off your high horse. You got your head so far up your keister that you can't smell the crap you are slinging around. And no, I am not with you Victor and probably never will be. For I am with the common man. People like you look down on people like me and think that you are better. And it seems to me that you live a sad little life. I, for one, may not have all of life's extra luxeries, but I do live a very fulfilling life. I have family that loves me and I in turn love them. I have many friends that are just great. Even though I have arguments with both family and friends but that is how we grow as individuals and build better relationships. So, in other words, I have a very rich life without having millions of dollars. And where are you getting this idea of me making a case for gays and racists? I will say this once. I AM NOT DEFENDING NOR ATTACKING HOMOSEXUALS, END OF STORY. I had to do that Victor because you can't, evidentally, comprehend anything. So, hopefully the big letters will catch your attention. But, whatever. Believe what you want. As for the racist case, well you got me there. I do have a case proving that you are a racist. So, do us all a favor and get off your high horse. You are no better than anyone else. It is more often than not that those that point out other people's faults are usually doing that themselves. Mark Foley, Rush Limbaugh, anyone? And if you want to build a case against me, then at least read my posts. You make up crazy accusations and don't have anything to back you up on it. You actually sound like the village idiot. Just trying to help you out, bub.
-the iotola of rock and rolla
temporarily sane
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