I realized today that some people may actually roll up on my blog site without actually knowing me. Through a strange twist of fate we may meet on this odd tangle of fiber optics and monitor screens and you would have no idea what I'm talking about when I say I did something with "Aaron" or went to Ted's with "Shane." So, with a little help from the Google Image Search I was able to find pictures of my friends to share with the whooooooooole internet. Unfortunately some of my friends have unique names (sorry Brinton) and couldn't be found, others have common names (Matt, Matt) and thus became equally difficult to find.
Aaron Saylor: I've been friends with Aaron since I was 15 years old. He's a 1,000-year-old Samurai Warrior with a heart of gold. He's a pretty swell guy, but he'd be a lot more fun if he'd just leave the damn sword at home. You have no idea how tired I am of saying, "Yes Aaron, Akira Kurosawa was a great director. Yes Aaron, I loved that John Belushi sketch."
David Rogers: Not just a friend, but a family member, this is cousin David. According to the picture description, David is the mayor of something. The only location I know of without an established mayor would be Toreville, and that would be a surprise to say the least. David has driven by Toreville a few times, once his car broke down right in the middle of town, but I'm happy to say that he made it out alive.
Daylan Kinser: This is funny! I do an image search for Daylan Kinser and I get these goons! None of those people are Daylan, hahahahaha! Boy, the internet sure can be CRAZY sometimes!
Kevin Hall: This is a younger picture of Kevin than most people are used to. Kevin is my ethnic friend, after all, every liberal has to have one. He grew up on the mean streets of Compton and is constantly "keepin' it real." You may know my homey Kev-Dawg as he was once a prominent local weatherman.
Larry Morton: This is my buddy Larry. He's not just a big Jawbreaker fan, he's also a big fan of salt in general. Here's Larry out for a stroll in the rain. I told him to tighten that lid, but you just can't tell him anything. Man, he sure does look surprised to see us!
Nathan Johnson: This is Nathan, the pretty boy, shark shirted, metrosexual. When I think metrosexual I can only think of Nathan Johnson, nothing else... well, okay, maybe that weird footage of then Presidential Candidate Wesley Clark defining "metrosexual" on MTV... but that's it! Nathan spends about as much money on hair care products each year as he does on throwing stars. That's right, he's pretty and he's a ninja... and he's an excellent dancer, A TRIPLE THREAT!
Shane Carpenter: Finally, my good friend Shane Carpenter. I've known Shane for years and years. From scoring chicks in town to football games, you just can't have more fun than you can with Shane. Don't let that beard fool you, he's a ladykiller extraordinaire and straight up O.G. from the mean streets of Detroit!
So, those are my friends. Now you'll be able to put a name to a face! Keep in touch, I'll be updating my list of friends soon with more pictures, more zany stories, and more love. Thanks for readin'!

So, those are my friends. Now you'll be able to put a name to a face! Keep in touch, I'll be updating my list of friends soon with more pictures, more zany stories, and more love. Thanks for readin'!
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