Tuesday, August 30, 2005

It's time for some Chick Tracts! For those of you that may be unfamiliar with the work of legendary cartoonist Jack Chick, let me please enlighten you. Here are a few paragraphs, slightly paraphrased, from the official Jack Chick website.

From early childhood, it was obvious that Jack Chick had an ability to draw. He even failed the first grade because he was so busy drawing airplanes in battle. While in high school, none of the Christians would have anything to do with him because of his bad language.

While working at AstroScience Corporation in El Monte, California, Jack was sitting in his car reading a copy of Power From On High by Charles Finney, which an old welder had given him. "My burden was so heavy to wake Christians up to pray for revival." He couldn't find a publisher who was willing to print his book, so Jack borrowed $800.

Jack remembers, "At the time, I didn't like teenagers or their rebellion. I was overcome with the realization that these teens were probably on their way to hell." Within 15 minutes, A Demon's Nightmare was written.

Today, nearly forty years after writing his first tract, God is still giving Jack Chick new gospel tracts. In fact, he is now producing some of his most popular work. As of this writing, five of the ten most popular Chick tracts in stock have been written in the last year or two.

Pretty exciting stuff, eh? Itching for more, are you? Well check out some of Jack's work!

See, Timmy, the Bible has lots of interesting facts, for example, you're going to hell!

Satan has been cast out of heaven, survived eternity in hellfire, and desires a final battle for supremacy with the almighty God, but Rita Jones scares the crap out of him.

My mother never warned me about the Satanists that were waiting to disembowel me at the end of Plum Street. Thank God Jack Chick was around.

And of course, the Nazis were really Vatican Stormtroopers. What crazy religious document would be complete without a little Anti-Catholic paranoia?

Chick tracts have been a quiet obsession of mine for years, some of them are ten times funnier than, well, even ZIGGY! I'll share one whole comic, my favorite of the more recent tracts. Jump in, enjoy the Chickery, you'll be glad you did!


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