Friday, October 28, 2005

Hello from San Diego!

I attempted to post a picture, but unfortunately blogger didn't want to cooperate. We've had a great night. I got to experience the Pacific Ocean for the first time, and I now know why Jack Black says, "That's how I roll!" in Anchorman (it's the slogan of the AM/PM in the area, home of the world's best rib sammich).

I managed to get into my first screaming match with a girl from Oklahoma. Amazing, you travel 2,000 miles from home, only to be forced to argue politics with an Okie from Muskogee. Here's a word to those folks in the oh-kay, don't feed me shots of Rumple Mintz all night, then try to tell me that a socialized healthcare system will never work in this society. I'm sorry, I just don't agree, and I'm not shy.

Ryan hooked up with a rather attractive girl last night... they left me sitting outside on the porch talking to strangers about Willie Nelson... nice.

Anyway, tomorrow is another day. Ryan's apartment is nice, and the Ocean is audible. Hopefully I'll have more to report tomorrow.

Bye Honkeys.


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