The winds of change are blowing across the West Virginia hills, and those winds are carrying Zane Lawhorn. West Virginians are long tired of the tyrannical rule of Senator Robert Byrd, a man that's narrow 90% victory in his last Senatoral Election must be challenged by a true hero, a man like Zane Lawhorn.
Not just your average Optometrist, Zane Lawhorn is poised to bodly push West Virginia ahead into the 1930's with his forward thinking, progressive stances on the issues of the day. Just take a look at where Mr... or should I say, "future Senator" Lawhorn stands on today's issues:
An education without Creation is denying the existence of God. That is censorship based on someone’s personal beliefs and not facts. An education without Evolution could be considered forcing Religion on our children.
Senator Byrd wrote a book attacking our President. During a time of war this was inappropriate. It sends the wrong message to our troops.
Just because you arrive on this shore does not mean you are entitled to the same benefits. My tax dollars have been used for several years to pay for roads, services, etc. Immigrants should be charged a tax/fee upon entering the U.S.
Background checks should be mandatory and extensive. Rights should be limited based on the background check.
I will defend this country as your Senator by imposing the draft if need be. I will pick up arms myself if need be.
God's wrath on an evil city
Future Senator Lawhorn's stance on Hurricane Katrina is actually long and in no way rambling, to fully feel the power, click here.

So, vote Lawhorn in 2006 and send that pesky Robert Byrd (and his billions in grant money, government buildings/aid and MOUNTAINS of West Virginia friendly pork) back into the holler from where he came!
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