The results are in folks, and it's a barnburner! However, in a BBC poll of, well, the rest of the world the winner of the "Biggest Jackass on the Planet" award is... IRAN! Congratulations Iran, just narrowly beating out the United States in a tough competition. Don't give up America, there's always next year.
Now, I'm not going to sit here and run the good ol' United States down. Of course I have some major issues with the way that we're running our ship these days, but my god, we're still better than CHINA! It really speaks volumes about our perception of ourselves versus that of the rest of the world and should serve as a rather loud wake-up call to the people of America to consider the damage that we're doing to our international reputation.
Now, it's easy to say that these numbers are irrelevant. That the opinions of other nations really shouldn't matter to the world's only remaining superpower. Those people often tend to be the very same individuals that maintain support for the action being taken in Iraq and encourage similar efforts in other nations. As fun as a good old fashioned war may be, it's certainly a lot easier on us when someone else is doing at least part of the dying.
So, it might not hurt to give this article a look. Actually read it and think about how you're seen abroad. The rest of the world is a fairly big place, even bigger than Texas! So maybe we should take what they say with a little more than a grain of salt... or just be lumped in with China.
Now, I'm not going to sit here and run the good ol' United States down. Of course I have some major issues with the way that we're running our ship these days, but my god, we're still better than CHINA! It really speaks volumes about our perception of ourselves versus that of the rest of the world and should serve as a rather loud wake-up call to the people of America to consider the damage that we're doing to our international reputation.

So, it might not hurt to give this article a look. Actually read it and think about how you're seen abroad. The rest of the world is a fairly big place, even bigger than Texas! So maybe we should take what they say with a little more than a grain of salt... or just be lumped in with China.
... or not, either way y'know.

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