... it really tied the room together.
Like so many other Powell Countians, I now can say that I've been a victim of a burglary. Before I elaborate on that, let me tell you a little tale...
A year or so ago a young man with a sketchy-at-best past fell on hard times. He'd run afoul with the law and gotten himself in enough trouble to be thrown out of his home to wander the streets (and by thrown out of his home I mean he'd been thrown out of the last home that would take him). I knew the young man, and felt that it was possible that he may have been getting a bad reputation largely from the misdeeds of some of his relatives, so I decided to give him a second chance.
I let the guy move into my house for a few days, giving him my trust and putting a level of faith in him that thus far no one else ever seemed to do. I'd return to find him wearing my clothes or eating my food, which I just chalked up to a total lack of manners and certainly not malicious behavior. After a few days he went on his way and I felt genuinely good about myself, I had given the guy a shot at being a decent human being and I was missing a two-dollar Goodwill shirt and a few slices of pizza for my efforts, not bad.
A year or so ago a young man with a sketchy-at-best past fell on hard times. He'd run afoul with the law and gotten himself in enough trouble to be thrown out of his home to wander the streets (and by thrown out of his home I mean he'd been thrown out of the last home that would take him). I knew the young man, and felt that it was possible that he may have been getting a bad reputation largely from the misdeeds of some of his relatives, so I decided to give him a second chance.
I let the guy move into my house for a few days, giving him my trust and putting a level of faith in him that thus far no one else ever seemed to do. I'd return to find him wearing my clothes or eating my food, which I just chalked up to a total lack of manners and certainly not malicious behavior. After a few days he went on his way and I felt genuinely good about myself, I had given the guy a shot at being a decent human being and I was missing a two-dollar Goodwill shirt and a few slices of pizza for my efforts, not bad.

As we left the scene I noticed the aforementioned kid playing basketball on the public court next to my place. I gave him a wave and went on my way, slightly hesitant but confident that he'd reformed himself... or at least he wouldn't do anything shady to ME.
Upon my return home I walked through the house, went directly to the bathroom and noticed immediately that the familiar glow that once emitted from the corner of the house was gone... someone had taken my Coors Light neon sign! A very quick look back at what was missing and who was in the area left only one solution... after all, any other thief would have taken things of more obvious value. Granted, the sign is probably worth around four hundred dollars, but with a computer, HDTV, and stacks of DVD and CD packages lying around, why take that!?
So, I did what any red-blooded American would do... I took off in a pickup truck to find the sonofabitch. I went by his usual locations but couldn't seem to find hide nor hair of him. Sometime around then my landlord called, asking me to file a police report and go through the proper channels. Respecting her as I do I went back to my apartment to file it. Long story short the policeman went to this person's home and sent word that if the sign wasn't returned by 11 o'clock there'd be serious trouble... this morning the sign was in my driveway.
So, I guess it's time for the moral of the story... but I'm not quite sure what it is. I don't think a good moral would be to never trust anyone or to never give people a second chance when they're down on their luck. But I don't think a sufficient moral would be to let people into your life on good faith when they have obviously sketchy backgrounds. Of course there's the, "don't judge a book by it's cover" life lesson, but in this case I probably should have. However, I know for 100% certain that it's a bad practice.
I guess the lesson learned here is that life is one big mass of gray. That black and white just isn't the way the world goes 'round. Should I have let this guy into my life? Well, knowing what I know now the answer is certainly "no." However, should I have given up on him like everyone else had, that answer is also a fairly solid "no." So, with that in mind I'll take my licks, be happy that the light was returned and go on with my life.
But, for the record, he'd better hope that he never, ever runs into me again... that's an absolute goddamn fact.
The moral of the story is….?
A. People that decorate with neon beer signs attract the criminal element.
B. Even bad taste can be coveted.
C. Sometimes it is better to trust other people’s opinions. (Unless you want to have the same bad experience that they had and then formulate your own opinion which will then closely resemble theirs.)
D. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck… don’t expect it to turn into a swan.
Wow, I have to say that as a total stranger you've certainly attempted to lay some serious analysis on me.
A. For your information my neon beer sign is a relic of a time of my life that, although certainly flawed, is very important to me.
B. For you to pass judgement on my "taste" is not only irresponsible but rather ridiculous, being that you've never set foot in my home. If you'd like to go toe to toe on discussions of taste I'd be more than happy to, but I wouldn't advise it.
C. I have no idea what you're talking about.
D. Once again I'll point out that you don't know me, nor do you know anything about the situation. Should you decide to further make a fool of yourself by passing judgement and handing out unrequested advice to total strangers on the internet I'll be right here waiting.
But thank you so much for reading!
I offer my most sincere apologies and deep, personal regret to you in making my comment. It was not my intention to ruffle your feathers, but to interject some levity in your recent B&E experience.
So, no real analysis on my part, just some super dry, Death Valley dry, Mars dry, Egyptian mummy dry… humor.
Oh…and maybe a pinch of silliness too.
I am about 75% positive that I might have crossed paths with jenn, and if so, that is so weird to cross paths this way.
Apology certainly accepted. I'm more than willing to admit that the entire experience has probably made me more touchy than usual and in other circumstances I probably wouldn't have taken offense.
Cory is a dildo salesman.
Cory, I would say that the moral of the story is that it's good to make the right choice. You filed the police report instead of beating the crap out of him and you got your sign back. Oh god, now I feel like Ms. Fain for saying that. You should beat him up anyway.
I was going to say that if you didn't get your sign back just put in a pink light bulb in the bathroom. However, I know that it couldn't possible replace your sign.
and it looks like my mom visits your site daily. Awww, and she thinks your a good guy.
All i know is that i slept at your house that night with one eye opened waiting for some creepy fuck to sneak back in there, if only i had a bigger weapon than that remote that my fingers were gripped so tightly around....maybe the silver panther?
Nunya: Thanks for the kind words, it's easy to see where Wendy gets her charm.
Miss Tayla: It's been a while since your name has appeared on my blog. Nice to see you back, and you're right, we have to keep doing nice things for people, even if it doesn't always work out the way we'd like.
Wendy: Yep, I resisted the urge to resort to physical violence and tried to continue doing the right thing... but that doesn't mean that I won't resort to violence if I ever see the guy again.
Derek: Now, come on, you're going to beat the guy with a panther statue when Nathan's ninja sword is just out of arm's reach? I fully expect to wake up one day to you in my living room, fighting off bandits with a ninja sword... you'll have to bring your own throwing stars.
I always thought that Cory was the distributor Aaron. So, he does both? Huh..who knew?
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