With all that's going on in the country right now it's easy to forget that the Dixie Chicks have risked fame and fortune to stand up for something that they believe in. With the release of their new album this year and the normal media circus that follows such a thing they're managing to make their way back into the spotlight, which I'm certainly in favor of.
On a past post I was accused by cyberhillbilly of being somewhat intolerant when it came to dealing with the American Right-Wing. That's certainly true, I can't deny it without looking wildly silly. However, it's reasons like the Dixie Chicks "scandal" that have driven me to this point. I watched conservatives call President Clinton's (then pre-teen) daughter a "dog" and make endless radio and tabloid discussion about how horribly unattractive she was. I watched the right accuse Clinton of murder, and if not murder then certainly conspiracy in the Vince Foster case. Now tell me this, which is more reasonable outrage... telling a group of Londoners that you're embarrassed of the president or scarring his child for life by calling her a dog and accusing her father of murder? Personally, I think George can take it.
But it's just more of the American Right's ass-backward campaign for family values. They strongly support the issue on one hand, but on the other have phoned in death-threats to the Dixie Chicks on nearly every stop of their last American tour. I'm not sure at which point family values intersect with homicide, but it must have something to do with why they want to keep all of those assault rifles lying around.
The Dixie Chicks have chosen to release as their debut single the reactionary and slightly less cookie-cutter "Not Ready to Make Nice." Flying directly in the face of Nashville, these girls have decided to answer their critics with something more akin to a Johnny Cash middle finger than a Faith Hill warm smile (although I guess I shouldn't slam on Faith being that this article from Raw Story points out that her husband is a "vocal Democrat"). Now, do you think that Nashville has embraced their originality or admires their guts... well this image from nearly EVERY Toby Keith show seems to be the answer:
I'll leave it up to you to analyze how mindless this photoshopped masterpiece really is, you don't need me to caption it.
So, the Chicks are back. This will undoubtedly lead to some sort of response from Toby Keith (a man that has made more money during the Bush Administration than Halliburton) declaring that the Dixie Chicks are touring with Osama Bin Laden or passing out Burkas at shows. I guess we can hope that it'll eventually lead to a grudge match between Tim McGraw and Toby Keith... of course little Timmy doesn't stand a chance, but maybe he could sneak his boot up Toby's ass just once... after all, it's the American way.
On a past post I was accused by cyberhillbilly of being somewhat intolerant when it came to dealing with the American Right-Wing. That's certainly true, I can't deny it without looking wildly silly. However, it's reasons like the Dixie Chicks "scandal" that have driven me to this point. I watched conservatives call President Clinton's (then pre-teen) daughter a "dog" and make endless radio and tabloid discussion about how horribly unattractive she was. I watched the right accuse Clinton of murder, and if not murder then certainly conspiracy in the Vince Foster case. Now tell me this, which is more reasonable outrage... telling a group of Londoners that you're embarrassed of the president or scarring his child for life by calling her a dog and accusing her father of murder? Personally, I think George can take it.

The Dixie Chicks have chosen to release as their debut single the reactionary and slightly less cookie-cutter "Not Ready to Make Nice." Flying directly in the face of Nashville, these girls have decided to answer their critics with something more akin to a Johnny Cash middle finger than a Faith Hill warm smile (although I guess I shouldn't slam on Faith being that this article from Raw Story points out that her husband is a "vocal Democrat"). Now, do you think that Nashville has embraced their originality or admires their guts... well this image from nearly EVERY Toby Keith show seems to be the answer:

So, the Chicks are back. This will undoubtedly lead to some sort of response from Toby Keith (a man that has made more money during the Bush Administration than Halliburton) declaring that the Dixie Chicks are touring with Osama Bin Laden or passing out Burkas at shows. I guess we can hope that it'll eventually lead to a grudge match between Tim McGraw and Toby Keith... of course little Timmy doesn't stand a chance, but maybe he could sneak his boot up Toby's ass just once... after all, it's the American way.
Let me join the Angry Prophet from Powell County in his denunciation of those who made death threats against the D. Chicks. I've always liked their music and I was actually introduced to my wife as a result of a chance meeting a buddy had at a Chicks concert. Now we've got a two year old. So the Chick's rock... regardless of their politics.
PS- Powell County is one of the counties I work. Aside: An inventor I'm working w/ there has created a new crankshaft (read- modern tool) that has incredible green potential... monetarily and environmentally speaking. But why would anyone living in that beautiful place be angry??
PSS- I hope for your sake Toby don't read this.
I can not beleive the Dixie Chicks would stoop to having taking their picture with Saddam while we are war. This is sad.
Gotta say, cyber'billy, I appreciate your love for the Chicks either way. I can't imagine how hard it is to like, well, anything and be a conservative. I've often wondered how they pull it off. With Hollywood and music being so incredibly liberal I've always (very quietly) respected a conservative's ability to distance him or her self from the politics and just enjoy the work.
Also, very glad to hear about the development of anything "green."
Now, as far as why I'm angry while living in this beautiful place... see today's post. It'll start to clear things up.
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