Hello all and welcome to the very, very first acutal blog entry from my home. Yessiree Bob, I've decided to take a giant flying leap into the late 1990's and now have a fully operational internet connection in my apartment. Convenience aside, the blasted thing is already taking over my life. It'll be mere moments until my addiction to Cubanismo Radio, Youtube.com and the seemingly limitless stream of easily downloadable movies on this thing turns me into something that Ken Kesey would have struggled to imagine. So, before I feel compelled to throw my oversized Magna Cigarettes ashtray through the window and break for freedom, I thought I'd share a few thoughts.
No matter what you may have heard, A Scanner Darkly is really quite good. I had the pleasure of catching this one earlier today and I may not have been more satisfied with any film released this year. As you would expect, the mixture of Linklater's rotoscoping technique in combination with the story's subject matter makes for a surreal and often euphoric sensation. Reeves, Rider, Harrelson and Downey seem almost perfect for the roles, which make sense when you consider that they're essentially playing hyper-exaggerated versions of themselves. The pacing is perfect, or as perfect as any I've seen in quite some time... at this point I'm trying to find the way to best explain it without completely nerding out.
Hell with it, I'll just leave it alone. Just take my word for it and make every effort to see this one as soon as possible. I found myself enjoying nearly every minute of the film and may very well give it another look before the weekend is over. If I was Robert Downey Jr. I'd probably start work on that Oscar speech right now (okay, perhaps my hyperbole button is stuck, but it usually is).
In other news, my favorite internet site, and the treasure trove from which I find so many of the wonderful stories that I slap up on here from time to time, has made it to the big leagues. Lexington based Fark.com was referenced on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer just the other day! Don't believe me, take a look for yourself...
Yes, that's farker "williehorton" suggesting that World War Three won't be among us until France surrenders. The beauty of Fark is simple, funny people operating in an open atmosphere with complete and total anonymity. Farkers include various comedians, actors, news personalities and even the guys from Mythbusters... although we have no idea exactly who they are. So, it was really a matter of time until someone slipped one of these into a mainstream broadcast of some sort.
I won't launch into a rant about how ridiculous calling this "World War Three" actually is, or how terribly offensive to other nations that have fallen victim to terror for decades it is that once we get involved it has to become a World War. But then again, they grow everything bigger in Texas, apparently including wars. This just in, France has refused surrender out of fear of back-rub reprisal from President Bush.

You'll be seeing some changes in Blogjammin' in the coming days and weeks. I'd imagine I'll go back to more frequent updating (especially since I've now fallen to number two on Brinton's "most commonly updated blog" list... curse you, Sarah!) and the occasional weekend post will pop up. Probably the most interesting paradigm shift will be the inclusion of cold beer into our little blogging equation. For the last year (oddly enough, my very first post was the last week of July, 2005) I've been posting while in clear states of mind... well, minus that one time out in San Diego. However, now it's going to get fun. I eagerly wait with equal parts joy and dread for some of the things that may end up here after a late night out on the town... hopefully none of those entries will result in my arrest, deportation or assassination.
... and Sarah, don't get too comfortable up there, I'm coming for my spot at the top.

Hell with it, I'll just leave it alone. Just take my word for it and make every effort to see this one as soon as possible. I found myself enjoying nearly every minute of the film and may very well give it another look before the weekend is over. If I was Robert Downey Jr. I'd probably start work on that Oscar speech right now (okay, perhaps my hyperbole button is stuck, but it usually is).
In other news, my favorite internet site, and the treasure trove from which I find so many of the wonderful stories that I slap up on here from time to time, has made it to the big leagues. Lexington based Fark.com was referenced on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer just the other day! Don't believe me, take a look for yourself...

I won't launch into a rant about how ridiculous calling this "World War Three" actually is, or how terribly offensive to other nations that have fallen victim to terror for decades it is that once we get involved it has to become a World War. But then again, they grow everything bigger in Texas, apparently including wars. This just in, France has refused surrender out of fear of back-rub reprisal from President Bush.

You'll be seeing some changes in Blogjammin' in the coming days and weeks. I'd imagine I'll go back to more frequent updating (especially since I've now fallen to number two on Brinton's "most commonly updated blog" list... curse you, Sarah!) and the occasional weekend post will pop up. Probably the most interesting paradigm shift will be the inclusion of cold beer into our little blogging equation. For the last year (oddly enough, my very first post was the last week of July, 2005) I've been posting while in clear states of mind... well, minus that one time out in San Diego. However, now it's going to get fun. I eagerly wait with equal parts joy and dread for some of the things that may end up here after a late night out on the town... hopefully none of those entries will result in my arrest, deportation or assassination.
... and Sarah, don't get too comfortable up there, I'm coming for my spot at the top.
CORY, you ain't nothing but a slackassssss!!!!
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