So, recently I made the decision that I should probably move. Not because I dislike my current location or the people around me, but largely because I just need a change of scenery. I've debated where and when, and I don't plan on leaving immediately, but up until now I haven't really been motivated to get gone... that is, at least, until Aljazeera gave me the answer. No, I'm not joining the Taliban, I'm trying to convince myself to move to the Pacific Paradise of...
Why Vanuatu? Well, according to this article published on the Aljazeera website, an independent study has confirmed that Vanuatu is officially the happiest place on Earth! The Happy Planet Index has ranked Vanuatu as the best place to live on the planet, and that's good enough for me.
However, before putting too much faith in the list, it should be said that the USA sits neatly between Lithuania and The Ivory Coast in the list (just two spots above Rwanda). Draw your own conclusions, but while you're debating the quality of life in the good ol' USA, I'll be fishing with girls in coconut bras.

However, before putting too much faith in the list, it should be said that the USA sits neatly between Lithuania and The Ivory Coast in the list (just two spots above Rwanda). Draw your own conclusions, but while you're debating the quality of life in the good ol' USA, I'll be fishing with girls in coconut bras.

Can I come, too? I could wear a coconut bra.
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