Y'know what, I love art. Now, I may sound pretentious or like a general jackass, but I couldn't care less... I love art. I'm fortunate enough to have a few pieces from local artists hanging on my wall, some of which are shockingly good. But you're just not an art collector untily you own that original Monet.
Few of us posses the means to rock up to Sotheby's and bid like Heathcliff Huxtable on an original pressing of "A Night In Tunisia," so we settle for replications of the works that we love... no more. Thanks to the good people of China we can now own hand-painted replicas of famous works for mere pennies on the dollar... is there anything that the Chinese don't do well?
The above image may appear to be Salvador Dali's "Girl Standing at a Window," but it isn't. It's actually the work of an art bootlegger, hand painted and almost completely identical to the original work. The sound you're currently hearing is the opening of wallets throughout the country. That's right, folks, our buddies in the east have perfected the art of duplication to the point that it's downright scary. For around one hundred dollars you can have an original Dali in your living room... although it may have been painted by some guy named WANG.
Not into Dali, then choose some classical art for your den. It's all cool and it all can be done by the brilliant minds at Dafen. Have yourself a hand-painted Mona Lisa or just send in an image of your favorite painting and have it replicated. I'm quite certain that Leonardo Di Vinci is rolling in his grave, but these works of "art" are serving a purpose... further deciphering his code.
Few of us posses the means to rock up to Sotheby's and bid like Heathcliff Huxtable on an original pressing of "A Night In Tunisia," so we settle for replications of the works that we love... no more. Thanks to the good people of China we can now own hand-painted replicas of famous works for mere pennies on the dollar... is there anything that the Chinese don't do well?

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