"I don't believe it," seethed Ann Coulter.

Of course, if you've ever spent twenty minutes defending a leftist position you've undoubtedly heard the rhetoric. The media is liberally slanted. The New York Times hates America. Hollywood undermines patriotism. You get the point. But let me ask you this, if the media suffers from such rampant liberalism, then how did this story possibly fly under the radar?
I consider myself to be fairly news-savvy. I read four or five different newspapers a day, I keep up with the blogs, I watch CNN, C-Span, and just for laughs I occasionally tune into Fox News. So how is that everyone from Michael Moore to Buzzflash missed this story? Granted, it's only a month or so old, but why did I have to dig through the depths of The Nation's archives to find it?
Apparently Pat Tillman wasn't so much the party line soldier, but a Chomskyite questioning his place in the war.
Like Cindy Sheehan, another Gold Star mother, a far more prominent one, is now asking questions that the Bush Administration would rather leave unanswered.
As Mary Tillman said this past May, "They could have told us up front that they were suspicious that [his death] was a fratricide, but they didn't. They wanted to use him for their purposes.... They needed something that looked good, and it was appalling that they would use him like that."
But even more powerful than that statement is a comment from the same article that quotes Tillman himself as saying, "You know, this war is so f***ing illegal." The Nation reports that Tillman himself had arranged a meeting with legendary leftist Noam Chomsky upon his return to the states, a meeting that never occurred due to his unfortunate death in a friendly fire incident in Afghanistan.
If one story exists to refute the allegations of the "liberal media" it must surely be this one. After all, wouldn't the "liberal media" just adore a story like this?
Oh, and screw Ann Coulter.
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