Just when you thought that Gary Busey couldn't possibly out-crazy himself he packed up and headed for Turkey, bringing his acting talent and special Texas brewed madness along. Now, we're all familiar with some of the classic works of Turkish Cinema like Turkish Star Wars and Three Dev Adam, but this is a new revolution in Turkey, the huge budget epic.

Busey will play a doctor involved in, well... I'd say that it's best to just let the article do the talking, here's a quote:
They kill dozens of innocent people with random machine gun fire, shoot the groom in the head, and drag those left alive to Abu Ghraib prison - where a Jewish doctor cuts out their organs, which he sells to rich people in New York, London and Tel Aviv.

Busey will play a doctor involved in, well... I'd say that it's best to just let the article do the talking, here's a quote:
They kill dozens of innocent people with random machine gun fire, shoot the groom in the head, and drag those left alive to Abu Ghraib prison - where a Jewish doctor cuts out their organs, which he sells to rich people in New York, London and Tel Aviv.
I do believe that the sound you hear in the distance is Ann Coulter's head exploding.
For the record, this film also stars Billy Zane... but Gary Busey is just funnier.
For the record, this film also stars Billy Zane... but Gary Busey is just funnier.
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