It's June 6, 2006... the day that we're all gonna die! Well, actually probably not. Although I'm sure someone is going to die today I have a fairly good feeling that it isn't me and probably isn't you. However, more than a few wacked-out fundies are using this day to propogate fear all throughout the country.
We have The Omen opening up today, an unusual release for a late spring, holiday-free Tuesday... but the 6/6/06 paranoia has worked to it's advantage. Ordinarily this film would have passed along the way with the Amityville remake or Skeleton Key or some other crap-fest, but now it's an international phenomenon. Thus proving that there are no more gullible creatures on this earth than humans.
Of course, let us not forget NATIONAL DAY OF SLAYER. I don't mind people who enjoy a little Slayer from time to time... hell, I have great friends that love some Slayer. But come on, isn't this a little too cheesy for the evil under lords of scary metal? And to top it off, you get the stereotypical Slayer fan making comments like these from a (I'm not making this up) blog dedicated to NATIONAL DAY OF SLAYER...
"I think our US friends are not thinking big enough. I'm calling for an INTERNATIONAL Day of Slayer. I reckon they probably sold more albums in Europe than the US anyway. With time zone differences, the INTERNATIONAL Day of Slayer could stretch out to around 37 hours, give or take some daylight savings (don't bother telling me that's incorrect - speed metal does not obey the laws of physics)."
True... but unfortunately it fails to obey the laws of quality as well.

Don't think for one second that the Uber-Christians are going to get off the hook on this one, either. If you've been stockpiling food and water or just sitting naked on your roof awaiting the goat-monkey-bat monsters to swoop down up you then let me be the first to say, "please get down from the roof and bring your cans of beans with you."
As Brinton so thoroughly enjoys pointing out, I am a man who believes in God. I am also a man who believes in science, and guess what people, those two people actually CAN cohabitate the same body! My point being, if you've gotten so sucked into the absolute fundamentalist madness of some sects of Christianity, then you need an intervention. You're no better or worse than the wacked out fundamentalist Muslims that you abhor.
How do you know if you're one of these people? Take my easy, five question quiz:
1. Have you ever recoiled in horror or been genuinely concerned when a bill and/or change comes to six dollars and sixty-six cents?
2. Have you ever refused to accept a license plate that features three sixes in succession?
3. If you knew that your child would be born on June 6, 2006 would you have asked the doctor to induce labor on the fifth?
4. Did you make any special preparations for today such as: stockpiling food or water, keeping the kids home from school, taking the day off, or building giant crucifixes on your lawn?
5. Did it even cross your mind that today was 6/6/06 until someone (myself included) pointed it out to you?
If you answered yes to any of those questions (except MAYBE #5) then perhaps you need to take a rather serious look at yourself. But I'll tell you what, I'll bet each and every reader twenty bucks that goat-monkey-bat monsters won't swoop down and eat me today. If they do, I promise I'll pay up on my deathbed.
Listening to: Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness
1. Yes, and I will buy a 1 cent hot ball to change the total.
2. No, but I'll bet Steve Marcum is on a waiting list for that customized license plate.
3. Without question...however, it would be cool if they did 6/6/06 gift baskets like they do for New Year's babies, complete with mini pitch forks and Dante's Inferno coloring books.
4. Nah, I can live for quite some time on the pizza rolls I have on hand. But it would be smart to stock up on devil's food cake. (sorry)
5. NO, so thanks.
1) i usually buy extra to get $6.66 especially when ordering VBS supplies.
2) i had that license plate, but steve marcum challenged me to a duel and won it. he is an ace with the saber.
3) i bought 6 children for 6 dollars from 6 countries today.worthless. they're now on ebay under coded listings. search for "BNWT multi cultural action figures."
4) i bought my tickets for the OMEN 3 hours early.incidently the total cost of tickets was $18.00 (....and what same 3 numbers have the sum of 18? that can't be coincidence!)
5) this day has been marked on my calendar for years.it also says "burn all pagans" and "keep an eye on c.graham(the A.C.) today" on the things to do section for today. However, i didn't write any of it. my calendar is simply a photo copy of a potpourri calendar book i found in an english class back in high school.
hope everyone is well.
How did I know that David would comment on this one? I noticed that today was all 06-06-06 when I had to date something but I didn't realize 6-6-6. Guess I have 50 minutes left to celebrate.
David, what's the reserve on the little Sudanese boy? I don't want to overbid.
you can have him.the only other person bidding on him is jfarwell777@everyonedeservestodie.com.
it gives me a bad feeling, so i'll cancel his bid and send him your way. just pay shipping.
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