Updates aplenty today folks... well, okay... three.
Let's start of with the amazing tale of Pat Robertson. In case you missed out on this delightful little news tidbit, 700 Club Founder and high-profile nutjob, Pat Robertson, has declared that through prayer and strict training he can now leg press 2,000 lbs... yes, an actual ton. Now, as amazing as that is, it's even more dramatic when taken into account that the world record for weight pushed on a leg press is 1,400 lbs. and is held by a Florida State University football player... someone slightly bigger and younger than Robertson.

What exactly would bring this man to make such a claim? Well, after doing a little research it became extremely clear, it isn't the prayer or the strict exercise regimen that Pat is practicing, it's his high-powered SUPER SHAKE that will give you that extra edge to do the impossible. This shake's recipe can be found here, but why do I suspect that it will soon be found at a retailer near me?
Unfortunately the photos and videos of Robertson working his legs like a thoroughbred happen to be of pressing a mere 1,000 lbs. Now, explain this... if he's capable of doing twice that, and thus setting a world record and the cameraman is RIGHT THERE, why not go right ahead and film the 2,000 pound lift? Oh, yeah, I forget... because it's impossible.
In other news, POISON is coming to town. Yep, you heard me... I didn't stutter... Rikki Rocket, C.C. Deville, Bret Michaels and Bobby Dall are on their way to Cincinnati on July 13th! If you don't have your Poison ticket just yet then you'd better act on it before they sell out! You may be asking, "Cory, surely Poison won't sell Riverbend out all by themselves!?"

What could make the deal even sweeter? Why, fifteen dollar tickets of course. For a mere $15 you can dance in the sun to the best and most thoroughly ridiculous hair metal band the 1980's ever had the chance to feast upon. So, peg your pants, tease your bangs, and break out those Ray-Ban Aviators... the rock has come back to town.
Speaking of the 1980's, I managed to catch a real winner from that decade on Showtime over the weekend... a little masterpiece entitled CHOPPING MALL.

The plot is simple... okay, maybe it's not. My best attempt to explain would go like this: Apparently an affluent mall is under constant threat from armed madmen, to quell the problem specially designed robots have been brought into the building to patrol the grounds after hours and apparently electrocute extras from Michael Jackson's "Beat It" video. On the debut night for the robots a group of wild mall employees (and two people that just seem to appear with absolutely no explanation) decide to lock themselves in the building and have wild teen sex while drinking copious amounts of beer. That is, until lightning hits the mall and the robots go MAD, killing the only scientist that can stop their reign of terror... like so:

A few laser blasts and a few broken windows later, the nerd (as played by "Head of the Class" star Tony O'Dell) is knocked out by a remarkably well placed fire extinguisher and it's up to the mousey daughter of A MARINE to save the day, which she does by luring the robot into a paint store and then tossing a road flare in. I had no idea that a few cans of paint would go off like an atomic blast... but then again I don't really remember seen gun shops or paint stores in the malls around here, so what do I know.

But really, how can you get mad at a film with this kind of quality dialogue:
Greg: You smell like pepperoni
Suzy: Oh, well in that case [she stops the make-out party and stands up]
Greg: [smoothly] ...but I like pepperoni
Suzy: Oh, you do, do you? [her eyes open wide, she begins to remove her clothes]
Note to self, chicks really seem to dig pepperoni
They also dig sausage.
"Play me off, Johnny!" (cue vaudeville piano...)
It should also have probably been a red flag to the community that the safe, non lethal robots were called "killbots"
The pepperoni comment reminds me of the topic of conversation the other night when we all brainstormed firsts...what was the first movie you ever saw that included outtakes?
Now, I'm sure there were others, but the first movie I remember including outtakes was Grumpy Old Men...where Grandpa stands in the deli and grabs every damn processed Italian meat imaginable and says, "Arghhh...how about my salami....you wanna try my pepperoni?..."
Movie history in the making.
I believe that you failed to mention the star of the film...the janitor...Dick Miller. Now, there's some obscure knowledge for ya. Who did he play in the Grimlins movies? None other than Murray Futterman, the next door neighbor in the first film and he visited Billy in New York City in the second film. I really can't believe I remember that Chopping Mall movie. Ah, well. Chalk it up to useless knowledge yet again.
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