Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Harry Shearer runs a small news blog entitled "Eat the Press" which contains fairly Shearer-esque comments on the world around us. Today's edition made me laugh just hard enough to copy-and-paste the entire text onto mine... but check Harry's out from time to time.

From Eat The Press:

Today's Washington Post runs an AP story on the newest wrinkle at the Clinton library: a device ($3, please) that lets you hear the ex-Pres's thoughts as you amble through the rooms of the library. Then the report adds:

The library, along the Arkansas River in downtown Little Rock, will begin offering the audio tour Saturday.
The tour was Clinton's idea and is the first narrated by a former president for a presidential library, said Jordan Johnson, spokesman for the William J. Clinton Foundation.

Wrong. Though it was privately managed at the time I visited it, the Nixon Library offered a tour of Nixon's birthplace in Yorba Linda, with typically Nixonian narration available to all for free. Example: in the living room of the tiny house, discussing the piano he once played, Nixon mused: "I often thought, if I'd been born at another time, I just might be a rapper." True story.

As funny as that may be, the true humor lies in this photoshop, contributed by cranberryzero:

Get Rich or Die Tryin' indeed...

Currently Listening to: Primal Scream - Get Duffy


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