Aww hell... it ain't a party without whiskey!

Guess what? Robert's "dress as your favorite rock star party" was a smashing success! To update the squares that couldn't make it, the costumes went as follows (correct me if I've missed one):
Chad Birch: John Popper
Carmen McKinney: Britney Spears
Cory Graham: Tom Waits
Brinton Epperson: Larry Morton
Lora Graham: Larry Morton
Larry Morton: Larry Morton
Zach Barnett: Sindead O'Connor
Aaron Saylor: Angus Young
Bradley Derrickson: That Construction Worker from the Villiage People
Kenny Rice: Nikki Sixx
Jessica Rice: Jem
Robert Overbee: Jim Morrisson
Matt Foster: George Strait
Diana (?): Barbra Streisand
Jamie Briscoe: Prince
Beth Briscoe: Cyndi Lauper
Marrissa Cornett: Natalie Maines
Chris Cornett: Willie Nelson
Anthony Morton: Mike Ness
Daylan Kinser: Alabama Man (that just effing rocks)
If I've forgotten anyone, I apologize. It is, after all, 2:46 AM.
What an extravaganza! At a certain point in every man's life you should imagine Jim Morrisson, Sinead O'Connor, Tom Waits, Prince and John Popper tearing into "Darlington County" by Bruce Springsteen. If you don't see the inherent brilliance in that scene, then you should immediately subscribe to... well, hell, I can't think of a magazine appropriate for someone that doesn't find that interesting.
... and then the battles started.

Someone decided that the next logical progression in the evening had to be emcee battles.
I wasn't altogether enthused with the idea, but i reluctantly participated. I probably shouldn't have, as I found myself battling Brinton, Kenny, Anthony and to a certain degree Zach. I don't have a great deal to say about those events, other than this... battling is fun, that's all that it should be, and I certainly hope that no one was offended.

Remember, Robert's birthday comes but once a year. It seems that rock n' roll star parties are to become a tradition. Start planning for next year, judging by this year you'll need to...
I hate to think of what Jamie Briscoe could do with a year's advance.
Brinton has pictures to share, so please proceed immediately to his blog for hot photo action!
I'll leave my first comment. "Damn, Cory, that's hard to properly read. You should stop posting after one too many from Dr. Kessler."
In response I'd say, "I always avoid Dr. Kessler, but it's yet to spare me from Sgt. Beam's battle commands."
But the key point that we're all addressing is... "how many times can Cory say, "at the end of the day" in one post?" Apparently the answer is three, but give me time, I'll git-r-done.
I must admit..i am a square..In all my jackassery, i failed to see the Cory Waits that I had planned to see (the full version) and i hear that the Prince was pretty spot on too...
I didn't see the pics on his blog. Where are pictures!!! I'm dying here!
They'll probably be a little long in coming, because the mood is a little changed because of the tragedy this morning.
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